1000 Buddha Altar
Sponsor a Buddha – Create a Legacy
You now have an opportunity to be a part of this miraculous display of compassion.
Sponsor one of these beautiful statues of the Buddha Shakyamuni and help to ensure that KPC can continue to provide a place of peace, refuge, and 24-hour prayer. See a plaque with your personal dedication displayed for years to come creating a legacy for you and your family.
In the Buddhist tradition, it is believed that just seeing the Buddha’s image plants the seed for awakening in one’s mind. Planting that seed starts one on the path to true happiness.
您希望參與這個神奇的、表達慈悲心的勝舉嗎? 贊助一尊美麗的釋迦牟尼佛像,並協助確保寧瑪普賢白玉佛修院(KPC)能夠繼續提供給大華府地區居民和平、依祜和全天 24 小時祈禱的場所。 贊助者的名字將展示在一塊牌匾上,顯示您為您和您的家人或親友創造精神遺產的奉獻精神。 在佛教傳統中,人們相信只要看到佛像,就能在心中種下覺醒的種子。 這顆種子正是開啟通往真正永久幸福之道。
Sponsor a Buddha for $1,000. This can be a single payment or split into four monthly payments.
以 1,000 美元贊助佛像。可以一次付款,也可以 分為四次每月 250 美元分期付款。
One of the main focal points of the prayer room at KPC is the altar to the Buddha Shakyamuni. Representing the 1,002 Buddhas prophesied to appear in this fortunate aeon, the altar was constructed in 1988 prior to the arrival of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche who was to bestow for the first time in America a cycle of empowerments and teachings called the Rinchen Terzod.
Each Buddha statue has been filled with sacred prayers and offerings, and then sealed and blessed by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche and Her Eminence Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo Rinpoche. Ever since, this resplendent altar has bestowed blessings and spiritual inspiration to all who see it.
Imagine walking into the prayer room and seeing gold flowing outward in both directions like ocean waves, each sponsored statue representing a commitment to attain enlightenment, to end suffering or to remember a loved one. As each Buddha statue is sponsored it receives a new coat of gold, a newly painted face, and receives its own plaque with your dedication printed on it to be viewed for years to come.
The 1000 Buddha altar is located in the main prayer room, where prayers have been made continuously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for over 30 years. The Buddhas receive the constant blessing of those prayers, as well as the profound blessings of the many teachings and empowerments which take place at KPC.