Buddhist Relief

Providing Humanitarian Aid for Those In Need
Great News!
KPC Buddhist Relief has expanded so much, we now have a new dedicated website!
Visit us at KPCBuddhistRelief.org!
Buddhist Relief is the humanitarian arm of Kunzang Palyul Choling. Since 2005, Buddhist Relief has responded to the needs of sentient beings who are in crisis. Inspired by the compassionate activity of H.E. Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo Rinpoche, Spiritual Director of Kunzang Palyul Choling, Buddhist Relief mobilized in response to the tragic consequences of Hurricane Katrina in the United States. Providing food, clothing and emotional support, volunteers met the need on the ground as soon after the disaster as possible. Within days, through the efforts of Buddhist Relief, volunteers worked with local organizations and businesses to provide relief. This included rescuing more than 120 dogs and cats that had been abandoned in New Orleans itself, and arranging an airlift to a sanctuary provided by Kunzang Palyul Choling in Arizona.
Since then, Buddhist Relief volunteers have responded to the needs of those in crisis. Donors and volunteers have provided meals for the hungry, clothing and personal hygiene supplies, and other things needed by people who are displaced whether it be due to natural disasters, economic displacement, or war and strife abroad. Our program model is flexible and responsive to circumstances. Our efforts are fueled by the commitment to end suffering, which is the mission statement of Kunzang Palyul Choling, and to being a compassionate presence to victims of circumstance.
To maximize outcomes of its efforts, KPC partners with other nonprofit organizations, businesses and individuals, where possible. All donations offered to KPC are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by the tax code.
Buddhist Relief is an all-volunteer organization. As an all-volunteer organization, our expenses are minimal which means our impact can be great. Please join us in this vital work for others.
Get In Touch
(301) 710-6259 ext. 2
For updates on Buddhist Relief activities, visit our blog, “Buddhist Relief News“.
And visit us online on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter
Current Project
Warm Clothing and Pie Drive!