Buddhist Relief is On a Roll!

KPC’s Buddhist Relief program is on a roll! We would love your support as we continue making a tangible and traceable impact in our communities that need it most.
Jetsunma and the KPC community have been making increasingly larger connections and contributions to local food banks and services. Currently Buddhist Relief is supporting The Upcounty Hub, WUMCO Help Inc., Immigrant & Refugee Outreach Center (IROC), Shepherd’s Table, the food bank at the First Baptist Church of Silver Spring, and the Poolesville Little Free Pantry.
Jetsunma stated recently:
“I’m so PROUD of everybody! We’re doing it! We’ve started the KPC/Buddhist Relief food division and emergency relief has started! I want you all to pay attention. We CAN make a difference! Please keep supporting these efforts.”

This week, we got a very big thank you from Shelley of IROC for the abundant donation from Jetsunma, including coffee, toothbrushes, sanitary pads, beans, lentils and a variety of curry spices. And yes, there were more diapers delivered to IROC plus other donations from sangha. This includes more toothbrushes and sanitary pads, snacks and cereal plus lots of toothpaste and cooking oil.

In addition, Shepherd’s Table very happily received 92 lbs of various cuts of beef from Buddhist Relief., purchased from Stryker Farm. Stryker Farm is a local, organic farm that raises their animals humanely, not an industrial farm. The chefs at the Table have said how important it is to include much needed protein when they serve warm meals.

The Poolesville Little Pantry is an invaluable resource for families who are living in poverty in town and in the surrounding agricultural region. The Pantry is located outside the Presbyterian Church, which supports it, and is open for everyone 24/7. This is especially helpful for those who wish to remain anonymous or for those who may be shy about speaking to strangers, especially if English is their second language.
The Pantry is re-stocked twice a day, every day. Canned goods, produce, toiletries and diapers are all available at any time for those living in poverty and with food insecurity. Perishables used in re-stocking are stored in a fridge inside the church.

When Buddhist Relief, also based in Poolesville, recently heard that the fridge urgently needed replacing, they did not hesitate to respond. A new fridge was purchased that same day, and was just delivered. The volunteers at the Pantry are extremely grateful that Buddhist Relief was able to reach out and help them. We are honored to be part of this compassionate grass-roots activity in action – one hand reaching out to the next, and together serving the community wherever there is need.
Wouldn’t you like to be a part of this abundance of generosity by feeding and clothing the most vulnerable in our communities? We would be overjoyed to have your support! You can drop off food and clothing donations at the front porch of the temple. Or, donate below.
We must continue to make every day special for all of those in need.