Thanksgiving Food & Clothing Distribution

On the Monday before Thanksgiving, volunteers from KPC Buddhist Relief joined staff from the Upcounty Hub along with dozens of community members to provide 500 Thanksgiving dinners to families facing food insecurity. Buddhist Relief contributed the pies, and we are very grateful to so many organizations and individuals who made this possible. Thank you to Wegmans for the donation of 100 pies and 100 bags of stuffing; Costco and Weis Markets who each donated $100; Harris Teeter, who sourced 365 pies for us to purchase and gave us a $30 gift card; Goods For Good who provided much-needed freezer space for 100 of the pies, and individual contributions which have brought us very close to our total. It’s not too late to give – we are still raising funds for the clothing aspect of the Pies and Warm Clothing Drive.