Continuing Site Enhancements at the Guru Rinpoche Statue

It’s pretty amazing to watch as Paul (from Garden Paths Landscaping) and his Kubota take down the height, and level the ground around the Guru Rinpoche Statue to bring it to the required depth of around 3 feet. This will allow water to be directed away from the statue and begin the process of directing the flow into Rain Gardens, through underground pipes, to the east side of the gathering space.

There will be a wide flagstone path to walk around the statue while making prayers, a common meditation for Buddhists around the world. This path will have a beautiful brick wall around much of it that will be about 2 feet high. Its function will be to hold back the higher ground, Site Enhancements at Guru Rinpoche Statue protecting the statue area from erosion while directing water runoff, as well as providing seating along the top.

Some of the enhancements are being offered at no cost by Paul from his heart. We’ve raised $29,000, but there is still a balance of about $17,000 due to finish the project over the next few weeks. We would love for you all to be a part of this! Please donate if you can to finish this beautiful work! And either way, come to enjoy the result, which will bring benefit to so many who need comfort and refuge!