Non-Stop Compassionate Action at KPC is Fueled by Ongoing Prayers and YOU!

On April 18, 1985, Jetsunma and her students began a 24-Hour Prayer Vigil for World Peace. Continuing unbroken to the present day, the Prayer Vigil, which takes place in the Prayer Room at Kunzang Palyul Choling (KPC), in Poolesville, Maryland, has become known as the “heartbeat of the temple.” Participants sign up for two-hour shifts around the clock, vowing to continue until all beings everywhere are free from suffering.
Within 2 months of beginning the vigil, we received word that a Tibetan Lama was visiting America for the first time and he wanted to meet Jetsunma. He was H.H. Penor Rinpoche, the 11th throne-holder of the Palyul Lineage of Nyingma Buddhism. During that visit, he taught once, gave us Refuge and Bodhisattva Vows and told us we were Buddhists, if we chose to be.
Why Prayer Works
The Buddha teaches that we are not separate from others. Our basic hopes are the same, and at the level of our absolute, pure nature, we are inseparable. Because of this intimate connection with others and the environment, prayer works. Jetsunma has said, “this is your planet. Take planet earth within you and never be separate. Abandon no one, refuse no one the comfort of your spirit. Embrace all the universe and you will be sustained. There is a big difference in praying for the earth elsewhere and praying for the earth at the Temple, because it’s constant here. I want this to go on forever. It’s the consistency of it and the power of it and the people praying with that consciousness of “I am the world” that’s really doing it.”
The Lamas who have visited KPC have recognized this.
When H.H. Ngawang Tenzin from Bhutan was in Maryland, he was marveling at all Jetsunma’s activity, and surprised to hear that our Sangha was so small. In India, Tibet and Bhutan, they have thousands of monks generating great merit pools to support the enlightened activity of the Lamas. In light of that, he was wondering how Jetsunma had accomplished so much with such a small group, all of whom were working in the world, even the monastics. When he saw the prayer chart and had it explained to him, how long it had gone on and that it was continuous, he said, “that’s how Jetsunma is doing all this!” He then had all his monks sign up to participate in the prayer vigil.
Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche said, “Please do not abandon the prayer chart. Please do not abandon this effort. There is no effort like this anywhere in the world, where for 38 years a group of practitioners have committed to praying for sentient beings. We are constantly producing merit day and night and that may be the reason why this temple is so successful… please do not break that commitment”.
Tulku Dawa said, “I thank you from the depth of my heart for the prayer vigil you hold. It is a difficult time now and I so appreciate this. What you are doing here. I can’t say that enough. I just so appreciate this.”
With each passing year we see more and more miracles that seem to be impossible. They may involve the health of one of us or someone we prayed for, or something else. We are grateful to the power of the compassion that sustains our teachers and the prayer vigil.
This prayer vigil, invoking the blessings of the Buddhas and Lamas, as well as the ongoing generosity of our volunteers and donors, fuels KPC’s activity.
Serving the community.
Offering literally tons of food weekly through KPC Buddhist Relief to the Upcounty Hub, Shepherd’s Table, IROC (Immigrant and Refugee Outreach Center), First Baptist Church of Silver Spring, and Poolesville Little Free Pantry in Montgomery County, with the goal to eradicate hunger near and far.
Growing food.
Our Giving Garden and hoop house provide almost year-round fresh produce for our partners, and serve as an outdoor learning classroom to help others increase food security.
Caring for animals.
Opportunities for hands-on experience providing care for many types of beings – goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese – are accessible to visitors.
Constructing monuments of peace.
The landscape is dotted with Stupas, sacred statues, and Lady Liberty. All are open to the public daily.
Praying and ritual practices.
Since 1985, while upholding a ritual practice schedule, KPC has honored many thousands of
prayer requests, and offered practices for the deceased.
Offering diverse types of meditation
– traditional Buddhist, as well as secular.
Maintaining tranquil walking trails.
Seven acres surrounding the temple plus a 65-acre Peace Park and wildlife preserve are available for the community to enjoy year ’round.
Working for the environment.
A state-of-the-art constructed wetlands system has been upgraded, and we are looking to increase our usage of solar energy.
Challenges often result in long-term benefit. All of our water comes from a deep well on the property. Recently we had an incredible series of plumbing and water leaks at once. Within a week we had to replace a pump for the prayer room bathrooms, followed by the main water pump and finally the piping to the well itself! The outcome was a far more robust system than what had been in place for a very long time. As we have upgraded, the environment has reaped the benefit.
All of these ongoing programs and activities are done under the guidance of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo and made possible by your donations. From the smallest to the largest dollar amount, each donation becomes a part of all these efforts to alleviate suffering, whatever form it takes.
Your past support has given hope to so many, and we are grateful for your generosity. With all of the uncertainty in the world today, your support is needed now more than ever. Your donation will allow these activities to continue to grow, expand, and flourish. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for partnering with us to be a beacon of light and compassion in the world.