Happy Summer Solstice!

The Summer Solstice is celebrated by many religions. In Vajrayana Buddhism, we recite the Great Perfection Prayer of Kuntuzangpo to help all beings be freed from suffering and become enlightened.
As it says in the text,
“During a solar or lunar eclipse, during an earthquake or when the earth rumbles, at the solstices or the New Year you should visualize Kuntuzangpo. And if you pray loudly so all can hear, then beings of the three realms will be gradually liberated from suffering, through the prayer of the yogin and will finally achieve enlightenment.”

This prayer was taken from the ninth chapter of the Dzogchen teachings of the Gongpa Zangthal, the Northern Treasures, discovered by the Terton Rigdzin Godem.
On the fifteenth day of the seventh Tibetan month in the year of the Sheep (1991) this prayer was translated by the Venerable Bhaka Tulku Rinpoche in Berkeley, California, assisted by Lunpo Urgyan Thondup. This was transcribed from the YouTube video “Prayer of Kuntuzangpo” by Karmic Wind in 2015 by Ani Dorje Dronma.
May this longest day of the year bring blessings and peace, however you celebrate it!