Guru Rinpoche Landscaping Comes to Life!

Have you seen the landscaping progress at the Guru Rinpoche site; the stunning stone work including the stone seat/wall surrounding the statue and the beautiful flagstone patio in front?
Master Landscaper Paul Turska, along with other master craftsmen are carefully creating a space of great beauty that is already magnetizing many visitors, and is fast becoming a powerful place for practice. Moreover, through a sophisticated drainage system it will help preserve the throne and statue of Guru Rinpoche for many many years to come.

We have raised most of the funds – now we are on the home stretch. Please donate and be inspired. We can do this! Only $9,837 left to raise to complete the landscaping at the Guru Rinpoche Statue.
Thank you to everyone who has and will have donated to this project! What a joy this is now and into the future!