Daily Meditation Challenge Coming Soon!

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Meditation is the natural state of mind when it is relaxed, stable, and open. Whether you are new to meditation or you’ve done it for years, having guidance and tools to support and deepen your practice can help make it a beneficial habit. That’s why KPC is hosting our annual month-long meditation challenge!

When does the KPC Meditation Challenge begin?

The challenge runs throughout the month of February. We will share tips, techniques and meditation practices that are used in Tibetan Buddhism to help you build and support the habit of meditating every day. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to receive this guidance and support throughout the month.

What do I have to commit to? 

You make a personal commitment to just 5 minutes a day! All you have to do is commit, show up each day, set your intention for compassion (Bodhicitta), and meditate. And don’t forget to dedicate!  Can you commit to just 5 minutes a day?  

Why should I learn how to meditate?

From a Buddhist perspective, the point of meditation is to create space in your mind. The mind is like a muscle. In the same way that you do physical fitness training to keep your body strong, the mind needs to be trained to be calm and relaxed, yet also alert and wakeful. For Buddhists, meditation is the means by which to experience wisdom directly and helps one attain enlightenment. But just on a mundane level, meditation has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, increase empathy, improve memory and benefit one’s mental health.

Why only 5 minutes?

If you’ve never meditated, sitting quiet and still for 5 minutes can feel like a long time. But you’ll be amazed how different you feel after just 5 minutes, you’ll want to go for 10, 20 or even longer! Start by following along with the pre-recorded videos we share on social media or watch them and then try it on your own.

Stabilizing the Mind book

What will you share to help me meditate?

Some of the tools, techniques and practices you can expect are:

Jetsunma’s Light Expansion Meditation

Tonglen Meditation

Posture instructions

Breath-Counting Meditation

Excerpts from Jetsunma’s book, Stabilizing the Mind

Links to Atira’s Buddhism for Beginners series

Links to live practices (Meditation Class and Medicine Buddha)

And more!

I’m so bad at committing to anything, how can I stick to this challenge?

Here are a few great ways to keep you going throughout the month:

Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram. We will be sharing regular meditation practices and teachings there. You can let us know you are participating and share your experiences with us and the community.

Ask a friend to join you in the challenge and be your accountability buddy.

Please accept our invitation to spend just 5 minutes a day creating a new or stronger meditation habit. If you are already a daily meditator, bravo! We invite beginners and long-time practitioners to see if there is something for you here, explore deepening in meditation practice, and help others to learn the same.

Thank you to Jetsunma for helping us Stabilize our Minds! May all beings benefit from this month-long challenge.