Have Fun and Help Others
Born I Benefit Concert Saturday 9/30 from 5-7pm
We would like to warmly invite you to attend a benefit concert on Saturday Sept. 30 from 5PM to 7PM to support both KPC and Buddhist Relief. Headlined by rapper and meditation teacher Ofosu Jones-Quartey aka Born I, this family-friendly evening of traditional Tibetan Buddhist prayer, a singing bowl sound bath meditation, and a journey through lyrical music that focuses on spirituality and positivity, will be held on the front lawn of the temple. KPC’s own Adalia Tara will join Born I during the show. Food will be available for purchase from PhoWheels, who will also be donating their proceeds.
Concert Supports Buddhist Relief’s Work Ending Hunger In Our Community
Here are a few examples:

From Despair to Joy
An elderly hospice patient was down to a quarter of a jar of peanut butter. While her social worker and support staff worked to get her SNAP benefits reinstated, Buddhist Relief was able to fill that gap by immediately delivering an emergency food box that would last several days. The emergency box was the bridge from isolation and desperation, to joy at being given new hope for the future.

Having a Choice
A mother and her two children were shopping at the Upcounty Hub’s Choice Pantry, stocked with pantry staples not often found at other food pantries. The children squealed with delight as they saw the cookies and the Capri Suns, while their mom selected masa, oil, and sriracha. The items in the Choice Pantry are supplied by Buddhist Relief, based on the cultural preferences and requests of the diverse clientele.

Making a Dwelling Into a Home
Three year old Hati, his aunt, and a cousin fled their country two years ago with only the clothing on their backs. Currently living in a basement apartment, Hati was delighted to receive a gift of apple juice and a stuffed animal as a crib, stroller, and oversized bag of household items were delivered to the home. Buddhist Relief works with the Immigrant & Refugee Outreach Center to supply these Welcome Bags and household items to refugee families when they are finally able to move into a home.
These are just three examples of the many ways KPC Buddhist Relief is able to partner with other organizations to support those in need. Currently, Buddhist Relief supports 6 different nonprofits serving Montgomery County and northern Virginia, in addition to piloting the provision of emergency food boxes. This work is totally supported by donations. Each donation is an act of kindness that has an enormous impact, providing hope, help, and the knowledge that someone unknown cares about the recipient. Your financial support is what makes this possible.
Together, we can end hunger in our community – and have fun doing it! Please join us for this inspiring evening of music to support this vital work for others.