37 Practices of a Bodhisattva – Teachings by Khenpo Pem Tsheri Sherpa

Save the date – weekend of September 9th-11th 2022
One of the most famous native Tibetan texts on mind training, this classic by Tokme Zangpo summarizes the teachings of Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra and other sources, to present the path of the bodhisattva in just thirty-seven four-line verses.
“In short, no matter what one might be doing,
By examining always the status of one’s mind,
With continuous mindfulness and alertness,
To bring about the good of others—this is the practice of all the bodhisattvas.”

The schedule is:
Friday, September 9th, 7:30pm
Saturday, September 10th, 11am and 2pm
Sunday, September 11th, 11am
Sunday, September 11th, Q&A, 2pm, outside, in person with Khenpo.
Each teaching lasts approximately 1.5 hrs.
You can download the text to use for the class, and also a list of commentaries below.
The teachings will be streamed live on YouTube and you can access them later if you cannot attend the live classes.
We are asking that you register to support these teachings.
Suggested donations levels:
Single teaching – $30 each
Series of 4 teachings – $100
Sponsor series – $180
We hope to see you there!